Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Room With a (Cluttered) View

Mom used to walk into David's room, survey the mess, and say "Wow, your ceiling is so clean!"

Megan had one of those months: BPA convention, Grapes of Wrath in honor's English, Skyview wrestling finals, Prom, guitar, church, tennis, a foot injury, and all that make-up work from all the missed school days. Room cleaning fell to the bottom of the "to-do" list.
It has always amazed me that my messy, cluttered teenagers grow up to be such neat freaks. Everyone of them. Something about being the master of your own space
kicks in the clean gene.

Megan's shoe collection would make Imeda Marcos green with envy.

I love the remnants of childhood tucked in the top of the closet next to the Victoria's Secret bag.

Wow! A clean corner! How'd that happen?

It's a wonder there are clean clothes left to wear.

This banner says it all....

How about that National Honor's Society recognition certificate amidst the clutter?

Megan, you sure have a clean ceiling..........

1 comment:

Judy said...

I say if she's working on a "Grapes of Wrath" project, all is forgiven! I love that high school kids are still reading that book.