Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life After Duplex

You probably think that now that our duplex is done, renters are in, and Pearsons have ridden off into the sunset, Stan and I have nothing to do with our time. Nonsense.

We are catching up on all of the very important things we've been missing.

We've been working hard, encouraging Megan to not be so cute. As you can see, we need to work harder at that project.

 We have broken out in a sweat trying to get Hailey to eat less ice cream

and Makayla to eat more ice cream. Makayla! Real people like ice cream!

We've diligently slaved to understand why Hailey is terrified of flies, ants, and tiny bugs, but in love with worms. Still working to figuring that out...

But we've found a more efficient way to give Makayla her bath, wash her clothes, and water the lawn.

Now that we have a little extra time, Stan and I have taken to stalking Megan. She tells us she is working concessions at the fair, and the thought of Megan working was so intriguing we wanted to check it out.
(Just kidding Megan! You are a workhorse!)

Megan told us she was cooking elephant ears. We searched the booth and she wasn't there.  Thank goodness--Megan is so tiny I don't know how she'd wrestle an ear off an elephant.  They told us Megan was flipping burgers. 

Nope, not here. Shelly, Amy, Jessica, and Ashley, do you remember the aroma of deep-fat cooking oil that clung to your hair and clothes for 6 3/4 months after you worked the fair? That odor is still alive and well. Megan has been bringing it home everyday for me to get all nostalgic about.

 Good news: the smell of the cooking oil makes the rest of the fair smells seem pleasant.

 Someone suggested we check for Megan here. Surprisingly, she was nowhere to be seen.

All this looking around is hard work. We took a break.

 That break sharpened my senses and I spotted a familiar ponytail in the "We Deep-fat Fry Everything" booth.

 Ta-da!  There she is, ready to fill her pores with grease vapors!
I think Megan was a little surprised to see us.....

Well, I think you can see the pace of our days post-duplex haven't changed much. We are just as active and busy as ever!


Judy said...

You guys shouldn't work so hard. Really, you make the rest of us look bad.

John said...

The fair sounds like fun, we just went to the Orange County fair this last weekend. The latest craze there was deep fried butter.

chrisjones said...

Yes, our fair was selling deep fried butter, too. I resisted.

Jorden and Jessica said...

Oh how I remember all of those stands! & the horrible smells! I saw deep fried butter on the news last week. I'm oh so (NOT) tempted!

Angie said...

We love the MN State Fair! I'm sure we will have an exhausting day when we go on Sept. 1st. We'll think of you ....

Bob said...

Deep fried anything. That has so many possibilities. Those nearby sheep in the fancy outfits, perhaps those worms.

chrisjones said...

Lambs, maybe. Worms, no thank you.