Tuesday, August 23, 2011

(Not) Back To School

Today was the first day of school in Billings. For the first time in 28 years, I didn't have to pull a reluctant child out of bed.

Hailey started Kindergarten this morning. Amy shared these pictures with me so that I could joyfully excitedly ecstatically nostalgically experience the first day of school without having do to any of the work.

Cute little Kindergartener Hailey, all spiffy for the first day of class.

Like younger sisters everywhere, Makayla was not excited to see Hailey go to school without her.

Apparently somebody was a bit weepy this morning. No, not me--I was too busy trying hard not to dance down the street for joy. 
When Amy picked Hailey up after school, Hailey asked "Mom, why were you crying this morning?"
 Amy: "Cause my little girls are all grown up and old enough for school. They aren't my little babies anymore."
Hailey: "But mom, I'm just the same girl that I was yesterday!"

Hailey's teacher, Mrs. Lohranz, who reported that Hailey was extra helpful and good. No Amy, she doesn't say that to all the parents.

Meanwhile, back at home, I found my tomatoes ripening like crazy on the vine, due to my "magical red plastic ripening sheets".

It took no time at all to pick 12 lbs of tasty, vine-ripened tomatoes,

a bunch of sweet peppers and onions fresh from the garden,
and bunches of homegrown basil.

After a little peeling and chopping and 45 minutes of simmering,

I have a start to our favorite garden product--Freezer Spaghetti Sauce.

 Somehow in all of that running from front to side to back garden, I managed to not latch the gate very firmly. It didn't take long for Bambi and Bucky to find my garden.

Here's Bucky, thinking about trying out the trampoline.

Bambi went straight for the swing set, and the neighbor's cat trotted over to offer a push.

In the 4 1/2 minutes it took for me to spot them, they munched through our garden, managing to trample the phlox and eat most of the squash blossoms off the vines. I take comfort in knowing there's not enough time left in the season for the blossoms to turn to squash and ripen anyway.

Jorden, we could use some help here! Wouldn't you love a freezer full of Bambi and Bucky???


Jorden and Jessica said...

HAHA! Deer in the backyard, that is so funny to me! Jorden would LOVE to have a little private hunting day, but I don't think your neighbors would appreciate that!
That's crazy to think Hailey started school. She looked so cute in her little outfit. Is she going to Eagle Cliff?

chrisjones said...

The neighbor's dogs bark so loud and often no one will notice a little gunshot.

Hailey is going to Sandstone--boundaries have changed since you were little.