Monday, April 12, 2010

Today Is My Lucky Day!

Nimble Thimble is a local quilting group that meets at the downtown First Congregational Church. They make dozens and dozens of quilts that are donated to worthy causes, as well as selling raffle tickets and refreshments to raise money to rent their church space and buy supplies for next year. I ran over to their annual quilt show today and bought a $5 raffle ticket in the spirit of supporting a worthy cause.

I won the grand prize! It's a pieced queen size quilt, machine quilted.

Even better, when I went downtown to pick it up, Hailey and Makayla in tow, the quilting guild was so excited to see me and "my cute little girls". It wasn't until one of the women asked Hailey (gesturing to me) "Where is Mommy going to put the quilt?" and a second one asked "Is your Mommy always so lucky?" that I realized they all thought I was the mom and not the grandma. I was going to correct them. Really I was. But why spoil a wonderful day by admitting I had been too old to have a baby for at least 16 years? It probably helped that no one there was under the age of 85. Good to know I can still pass as a spring chicken to SOMEONE. Yup. All and all a very good day!


David Kenison said...

What a nice story! You ARE a spring chicken, Chris!

Judy said...

Better a spring chicken than an old biddy, that's for sure! Congratulations, on both the quilt and the youthful appearance!

ElderP said...

1st place, wow, that is great, congrats!