Monday, April 26, 2010

Here She Comes!

Spring that is. My very most favorite time of the year. Some years Billings forgets to have Spring all together. Other years Spring gets started and is murdered (yes murdered!) by a late snow storm. This year, although our temperatures are still all over the place, Spring is looking particularly lovely.

The clematis is climbing

The periwinkle is blooming

Tulips and pansies are in full bloom

Lamium is going crazy in the backyard

Bushes are leafing out

Raspberries are fully leafed out

Asparagus has made its appearance

Peas, radishes, lettuce and carrots are all up and growing

Bleeding Hearts are, well, bleeding!

This odd looking early-blooming peony is almost ready to open it's first bud.

Every year I say "This is my year to garden." Every year my plans are derailed. But really! This! is! my! year! to! garden! No marriages, no new babies, no surprises. Right, family? Right?


Judy said...


chrisjones said...

Hold your horses! I have a few sets of extra little-people fingers helping.

Bob said...

Impressive set of blooms. I don't think I've ever seen asparagus grown in a garden.

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

No news here to burst all your fun sorry! But I would love if you could come garden in my "back yard" I'm sure the land owners won't mind