Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Windy City

Billings has had a really windy week. The weatherman claims we've been having
hurricane speed wind gusts.
If I'm going to have to endure hurricane strength weather,
I should at least be enjoying living on a beach.
Instead I'm enduring the bad hair days created by the endless wind.
In addition to the hair issues, wind is not a friend of the garden. A few days ago this bleeding heart was bushy, covered with blooming hearts, and thriving. Sadly, the wind blew the fence over and smooshed it.
The good news is that we now have a new view of the water. It may not be the beach,
but it is swimmable.
Can you believe our neighbor threw up this temporary fence to keep the riff raff out?

Will my bleeding heart survive? Will the fence be repaired before Christmas? Will my neighbor notice if we sneak over the fence for a late night swim?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind....


Judy said...

I laughed all the way through this. That cat picture is a classic. I feel just like that some days. It's been really windy here too. In fact, it blew the power out yesterday and I thought I might have to spend the evening at a shopping mall with electricity. Too bad--the power came on after about 30 minutes.

Shelly and Ken said...

I love the picture of the dog. It made me laugh. I really hope they get that fence up quick!

Doris said...

A pool in Billings?!? How many days each year do you get to swim? 10? The fence, my dear, is their considerate way of making sure that none of your visiting grandkids drown. Thank them for that!