Monday, June 21, 2010

I Knew I Had To Worry About Snow And Cold, But.....

Our mailbox started yesterday closed.  It's not going to be closing again in my lifetime.

My least favorite job--cleaning the rain gutters, which are completely filled with debris.

The raked-up leaves and twigs in the front yard

Oh look! Someone was kind enough to aerate my lawn for me!

Vinyl fences do not appreciate hard falling objects.

Neither do solar lights.

That's good garden soil coating the sidewalk.

As of yesterday morning my beleaguered bleeding heart was still covered with blossoms. 
Once again, it's been traumatized. 

Stan's beloved catalpa tree is looking more than a little pathetic.

Destroyed birdhouse number one.

Destroyed birdhouse number 2.

This little house had wrens in it a couple of weeks ago.  Fortunately they had moved on. 
All that noise and denting of the tin roof would have been annoying.

That dark spot on the birdbath is a new drain hole.

The only thing I'm really sad about is the devastation to the garden.  Even if the plants survive, they will have lost valuable growing time.  I don't think I'll pick a single ripe tomato this year.

Somewhere in this mess are peas, herbs, beets, and beans.

Looks like the squash got squashed.

Some pictures of yesterday's tornado.

And we have ANOTHER tornado watch at this very moment...


Shelly said...

Nooooooooo! Not your garden. And everything looked so hopeful this year, no family marriages or babies to ruin harvest time. I can't believe the damage to the yard, house, etc. Are you going to have to reroof or did the shingles fair ok?

chrisjones said...

I didn't see any roof damage when I was cleaning the raingutters, but dad will have to climb up there and really look around. I'm amazed that none of our skylights broken-- all the neighbors have at least one broken skylight.