Thursday, June 3, 2010

Today Is My Lucky Day, Part 3


Megan would be surprised I uttered that phrase when I wasn't looking in the mirror.
Stan would be astounded to learn that phrase is directed to a male. 
Poor Stan.  

Actually, that phrase is directed at John Pedroza, who predicted I would actually get paid after going to court against the woman who hit my car.  You are really smart, John.

Lookee here!  My first of 40 monthly checks for $25!

I figure if I save all these checks over the next 3 years and 4 months, I will have enough to buy the front right floor mat for that car I'm buying when Megan leaves home.

More likely, I can pay cash for the car Stan will insist we can afford instead.

Unfortunately, my joy is somewhat tempered by the other mail I got today. 
A letter notifying me I've been called for jury duty.

Sigh.  You can't win them all.


Judy said...

Is that payment system for real? What are the chances you'll actually get all forty checks? Yeah, you'd better be looking at Stan's car. Tell Megan she looks smashing in those glasses, and be comforted about your jury duty notice. Bob went yesterday and got off for the next year. Maybe it will happen to you too.

ElderP said...

What I clearly failed to tell you was that check was just a confirmation of where you live so you could get sent to jury duty. They figure as long as you cash each check they know where to send the summons for the next three years :) JK, actually I bet what is happening is they made a plea bargain with the defendant and they are paying you as he pays the court. Have fun with all your new found wealth!

chrisjones said...

Yeah, I should have known the jury duty was tied to the checks. The woman's checks are being garnished, so as long as she has a job, I'll be getting checks. It still seems optimistic to me to think I'll get every penny back.