Monday, January 24, 2011

Megan Jones's Day Off

We are now one week into the last semester of Megan's senior year, so of course Megan decided it was time to take a day or two off.

Megan says she wants to start the day lounging in an unconscious state in a comfortable chair.

 I expressed my concern, but Megan didn't want to hear about it. 

Wisdomless people are like that.

Now I could make some old, tired jokes about how our once wise teenager will now be foolish, but as it turns out, Megan is not as wise as her average peer anyway.  Yep, her upper right wisdom tooth never formed, making her 3/4 as wise as everyone else. 
Stan and I suspected that.  We've had other children in the same boat and recognize all the symptoms.

Let's do some math:  6 kids x 3.44 average wisdom teeth removed per child x $1598.34 average cost per wisdom tooth extraction=Gulp. That's our entire retirement fund, plus all the pennies in our change jar.
Kids, Dad and I will be coming to live in your basement soon!

Stan bid Megan farewell as I took our last child to get teeth extracted for the last time-
at least on our dime. 

 Forty minutes later it was over, and I loaded Megan into the car and headed back home.  She could not stop giggling.  Geez, it was like someone gave her laughing gas or something!  After I wrestled her into the house, she collapsed onto the couch where she slept,

and snoozed,

and snored.

I offered her a variety of tasty treats,

but she didn't even wake up while I gave her the first round of pain pills and antibiotics.

I'm not sure at this point if Megan is sleeping, unconscious, or dead.

 I gave her a bag of ice to snuggle with and she didn't even stir.

We did not come away empty handed.  Megan got this cool t-shirt from Dr. Bennion.  He says the writing is Chinese for "wisdom".  I'm willing to bet it's Chinese for "pay your bill or I'll put 'em back".


Shelly and Ken said...

Oh, poor Megan. I remember how miserable getting those things pulled were. Mom in your math you forgot to add in all the other teeth work we had to have done. Is that why you are going to come live with us. Had to sell your house just to pay the orthodontist/dentist bills. Ken and I are already saving up for the work that our kids are going to need. Their teeth are bad! Right now Kailyn has a permanent tooth coming in sideways on top of one of her baby teeth.

chrisjones said...

If you're going to include the cost of braces, we could have bought all the land in the US west of the Mississippi. Good luck paying for all of that in future years--and remember, those crooked teeth are a gift from your Jones side of the ancestors!

Jorden and Jessica said...

Oh dear this post makes me only want half the amount of kids! Hang in there Megan! ICE! ICE! ICE!