Monday, January 10, 2011

Megan's Hard Knock Life

This week is finals week for Megan. 

She's got piles of work and loads of studying to do.

Today's high is suppose to be 5.  The weatherman said wind chill is making it -15.

Given those two observations, of course there is only ONE thing Megan would do today.

Yep.  She's playing hooky and going snowboarding in Red Lodge.
With P-Dubya

And here Megan is, 8 hours later.  Can you believe she lived to tell about it?

Now I can just hear Megan's older siblings:
WITH! A! BOY!????"
Sorry, kids.  I'm old. I'm tired.
 I've learned that the senior year is a series of cutting the apron string events.
 It's not my fault the rest of you were born first!


Jorden and Jessica said...

True, I am shocked you let her go! I think once you didn't let me go boating with friends on a Saturday because there were boys.(But now, I'm glad you didn't let me go!) Although you did warn us for many years that the youngest always gets spoiled! At least she isn't driving a Lamborghini!

chrisjones said...

Jessica, I think the no to boating had more to do with the boys involved then because there were boys:) And please don't say the word "Lamborghini" to Megan. Just this morning she told me she "needs" a "faster car":<

Judy said...

Yep. Being the youngest has its sweet moments, doesn't it, Megan?

Lisa said...

you crack me up!! Too funny!