Sunday, February 20, 2011


"Sister to sister we will always be, a couple of nuts off the family tree" -unknown

Today Hailey found some leftover Halloween stamps and put them to good use.  Makayla enjoyed it more than her face suggests. I love the way Hailey takes care of Makayla, and the way Makayla tries to copy everything Hailey does.  I think these two sisters are lucky to have each other.

I had a few sisters myself.

Doris, Judy, and Chris, about 1962

My sisters are some of my favorite people
Judy, Doris, and Chris, 1971

and I feel blessed to have them in my life.
Angie, Doris, Chris, and Judy, 1966

Maybe that's why I had so many daughters myself:
Amy and Shelly, Spring 1986

so that I could pass the blessings of sisters forward.
Ashley and Shelly, 1993

I hope my daughters enjoy having sisters
Shelly, Megan, Ashley, Amy, Jessica, 1995

as much as I enjoy having sisters.
Ashley and Jessica, 1995

"I smile because you're my sister,
Jessica, Ashley, Megan, Amy, 2001

I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!"-unknown
Jessica, Megan, Ashley, 2005

So, Hailey and Makayla, enjoy having a sister/friend to clean up after you,

hold the light while you read,

share silly talk with,

encourage you to "use two words", not just one, as you work to improve your language skills,

and always be your best friend.

Of course, brothers are wonderful too-
Judy, Dave, and Chris, 1968

but that's a post for another day.
Shelly and Scott, 1982


Jorden and Jessica said...

That is the sweetest post! I love every one of those pictures. It brought back a lot of memories! I love having sister too! Even if I didn't act like it when I was younger!

Lisa said...

I love the old pictures of you and your sisters and of your girls. Such a fun post! Sisters are great!

Judy said...

I think that having such wonderful sisters has been one (or three) of the greatest blessings in my life. Thanks for this sweet post. Your daughters and granddaughters are very lucky indeed.

David Kenison said...

Nicely done, Chris. Your blog will be full of treasures to future generations.

Bob said...

Fun post. One of the early pictures with Doris looks so much like Robyn that it really caught my eye. I also really love the last sweet picture of Scott and Shelly.