Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just Another Manic Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday


What do these..

......and this have in common?

Yup. They are either from Idaho, or a future Idahoan.

Provo was Megan's first choice, but Stan and I are secretly glad she will be in closer, sister-filled Idaho for her Freshman year.

 Since this is Jimmer's last year at BYU, there's no rush to get to Provo anyway.

On Friday evening Amy was rear-ended by someone as she was making her way home from a job interview.  Fortunately, Hailey and Makayla weren't in the car.  Unfortunately, Amy's car lost a bumper and she has a pretty significant amount of whiplash.  Fortunately, this is not her car.  Her car is still drivable.

On Friday I hit the sales at Target and found some clothes that just happened to be
Makayla's and Hailey's size.

Makayla is going through a "must wear a dress" stage.

 It's hard to say for sure, but I think Makayla was excited to have a new skirt.

Hailey and Makayla did a "New Clothes Boogie" dance for us.

"Oh, look! We match Mommy!"

 Posing for pictures and

 more dancing for joy.

You know girls, if you are always this easy to please I may be hitting those sales again!


This weekend is our stake conference weekend. We decided to recycle our "pink" from last Fall's broadcast table decor for leadership.

Our theme for Leadership was yup, you guessed it:
"Love, Simplicity, and Sisterhood."
My counselor made these cute blocks from scrap wood, vinyl letters, and a bit of paint.
We covered topics ranging from Hearts and Hands, to preparedness, to meeting the needs of single sisters,  to holding more effective presidency meetings, to new handbook discussions, with an overall encouragement to keep things simple and inexpensive.

Our taster's table focus was "Using Powdered Milk".  I found an idea for these ice cream cones online, and my counselor and I whipped up an extra large batch of hot chocolate using powdered milk and put them together. 
 I know you're all surprised I managed to work an ice cream theme into the day. 

By the way, if you were looking for these around Valentine's Day and couldn't find them, it's because I bought out the Billings supply to use for this project.  Makayla and Hailey will be happy to know I have several bags left.

We've been having record cold and I was sure no one would come to leadership.  Our branches have had large amounts of snowfall.  Not only did we have great attendance, we also had more than enough sisters who willingly volunteered to stay and help serve dinner for the stake.  We have leadership at 4, dinner at 6, and adult session of conference at 7.  That means many of our sisters from the Branches don't get home until 11.  They are amazing!

 Sometime on Saturday, my laptop had a little accident.  Okay, a big accident.  I'm glad I wasn't home to see it.  Apparently, it became despondent and threw itself down the stairs. Stan has become a master screen replacer--this isn't our first disaster.  Stan can replace a screen for the fraction of the cost of replacing the computer.  Stan promised to have me up and running by the end of the week. We don't call him "Handy Standy" for nothing!  Okay, we don't really call him that.

Our stake president had chest pains after yesterday's meeting and spent the night and today in the hospital having tests.  That meant our stake conference had a few holes in it and they were calling surprise people out of the audience to speak.  I was one of those surprise speakers.  It was about as fun as my last root canal....

As exciting as this weekend has been, we are expecting this week to be even more thrilling.  Check back mid week for "the big news"!


ElderP said...

Please tell Megan congrats on getting into BYU.

Angie said...

Congratulations to Megan!
Can't wait to read your midweek BIG news!

Judy said...

Wow, what a weekend!
1. We have a couple of awesome girls in our ward going to BYU-I too! Personally, I think it's going to be the happening place next fall. Is Megan going for fall and winter?
2. AMY! I hope whoever hit you has good insurance.
3. Those outfits are too cute, almost (but not quite) as cute as the models.
4. Very cute Leadership Theme. Even I want to come to your meetings!
5. So, who CAUSED your laptop to become despondent?
6. Bummer about your Stake Pres., but I wish we could have been there in the audience pulling faces at you to make you smile at the pulpit. I'm guessing you did a pretty good job without us.
7. Big midweek news? You're finally moving the California?

chrisjones said...

Megan doesn't have her track assignment yet. Everyone seems surprising vague about my laptop's "crash". As for number 7--please, don't tempt me!

David Kenison said...

Chris - you continue to amaze us all. Give our love to Amy and let her know we're glad she wasn't hurt worse - hope the whiplash heals quickly!

I'm intrigued by this leadership meeting in stake conference. We have stake auxiliary leadership sessions at different times of the year. I'd like to talk with you more about how this has worked for your stake.

And yes, we'll all be "on pins & needles" waiting for the coming announcement!

Lisa said...

Can't wait to hear the "BIG" news. So glad Megan is coming to Idaho. I agree with you, if Jimmer is leaving after this year there really is no rush ;-) Also, love the hot chocolate ice cream idea; very cute!

Jorden and Jessica said...

I'm so glad Megan will be coming to Idaho! She will love it! I know she will! I hope Amy is ok, I hope the other person had good insurance, and I hope she gets the job! Mom, I would die if I got called up to speak in the ward. I don't know what I would've done if it were stake conference! You're amazing!!

Denise P said...

Like Uncle Dave's stake, our stake doesn't have leadership for the auxiliaries the weekend of Stake Conference. I could see how it would be good for people that have to travel a ways to get into stake conference. However, I'm glad we don't because it makes child care easier--we just have to get a babysitter for the adult session.