Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Someone's In The Kitchen With Grandma

We got more than 8 inches of snow in the last 24 hours. 
Makayla really wanted to go outside yesterday and play.

Right up to the moment she was actually outside, that is.

I don't know why.  That 15 degree air cleans your sinuses right out.

We decided to come in, throw our wet clothes in the dryer, and wash up.

When I handed Hailey this soap, she asked, "Grandma, why are we washing with fish pee?" 
"Why," I said, "do you think this is fish pee?!?"

"Well," said Hailey, "look at the picture!"
Hmm. Next time I'm buying the one with flowers on it.

We thought we'd warm up the kitchen by baking pretzels: http://www.melskitchencafe.com/2010/02/chewy-soft-pretzels.html.  Hailey and Makayla couldn't wait to try some raw dough.  I remember helping my Grandma Kenison make bread, and she'd tell Judy and I when we ate the dough that it would expand in our stomach and give us stomach aches. 

I figured out sometime last week that Grandma probably was just trying to keep us from eating all the dough.

But right now, that same fib works on Makayla.

 Unfortunately, Hailey isn't as gullible as Makayla.  Or me.  She managed to down several wads of dough while maintaining this angelic expression.

We roll our dough out.

Makayla was extremely impressed with her own snake making skills.

 Next we made our snakes into pretzels. 
Or at least something that won't make us think of Favio when we eat it.

We put them on parchment paper...

...brushed them with baking soda and water....

...and sprinkled with salt.

 Around this time we spotted a shadowy figure snowblowing the driveway. 

Which is completely pointless, because it's still snowing like crazy.

By the way, Makayla, anyone big enough to put themselves in the highchair,

and peel their own clementine probably doesn't need that mouthpiece.  Just sayin'.

When the pretzels were done,

Hailey offered to try them first to make sure they are good enough for the rest of us. 

She highly endorses them.

Makayla gives them a "ten". Or maybe separating those thumbs out is just too challenging.

We also had curried coconut shrimp on Thai noodles, using curry paste, leftover coconut milk from another project, and all the vegetables lurking in the back of the fridge which were 11 hours away from complete unedibility, all dressed up and disguised by the addition of shrimp.

Makayla had thirds.

She wants us to know she recommends this dish, too.

Hailey tried one bite, but her review can't be published on our family blog....
By the way, Hailey, it's not often you can top Makayla for "most interesting-looking hair".


Jorden and Jessica said...

Fish pee! Haha that made my morning! Those pretzels look delicious. That recipe will be made in our house soon!

Lisa said...

Too funny! Love the fish pee comment and weren't those pretzels yummy! I made them last week and I ate about 90% of them myself (perhaps I shouldn't double the recipe for my own good). I think I need to go make some more....

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

cute cute! I love those little girls. And by the way those are some good pictures! I can see every little hair Makayla's head, which makes it look like she has twice as much. It's amazing what a good camera can do. And I am for sure making those pretzels today!...My Homework can wait

ElderP said...

Noodles and pretzels
Sounds like my kind of a dinner. When do we get to come over?

chrisjones said...

We eat a shocking amount of bread and pasta, John. Pick a night, any night, we'll be ready!

Shelly and Ken said...

Loved the fish pee comment! Just the laugh I needed. Also, now I know where my kids get their dough eating from. I personally do not like bread dough but can't keep my kids hands out. I have to keep a VERY close eye on Chase cause he will just reach in the mixer as it is going, he just can't resist.