Monday, June 13, 2011

A Matter Of Taste

When Stan comes down to breakfast in the morning, he always turns on this radio and listens to some truly cringe-worthy music.  It's the kind of music old folks love. (Since I hate it, I'm obviously not old). It's like Lawrence Welk and bad talent shows and the tackiest of gospel music all rolled into one. I can't bring myself to listen to the words, but I imagine it's music with titles like If Aunt Mabel Gets To Heaven Before My Dawg and Meet Me At The River With Yer Fiddle And Yer Old Boots.

It's the kind of music the CIA blasts at enemy combatants to make them surrender. It's the kind of music that plays on the car radio when you get lost and there's nothing for miles except sagebrush and dirt and you're pretty sure that semi that keeps passing you then slowing down is trying to run you off the road. It's the music I've been told plays 24/7 in Heck. That's why you don't want to end up in Heck. 

Because I love Stan, I pretend to tolerate his obsessively bad taste in music. After all, we all have our obsessions.  I retaliate by forcing Stan to listen to me blather on about MY obsession--the garden. I can talk aphids, rainfall, and heritage seeds for hours. Occasionally I drag family members out to view the garden. I think they should have an idea what Heaven is like.

Martha Washington Geranium

Flower bed, just days before bursting into bloom.

Same spot, next day.

The guys.

Oriental Lilly

Backyard Allium

Iris from Stan's Grandma Jones's garden.   I've added a lot of other colors of iris in this bed over the years, but after 3 or 4 years, the yellows takes over again.

Peony buds



Lavendar Columbine

White Columbine

Bleeding Heart


First (pathetic) rose bud



Ostrich  Fern

I am pretty sure there is a nest of finch eggs in this little house.  I see the parents go in and out, but I haven't seen them dragging in food or heard baby chirps yet.

Taking this picture caused the mom finch to come flying out in a rage, screeching as she tried to kill me. Her screeching sounded surprising similar to someone's music choices.

  I was too busy ducking and running to get a picture of her.

Ladybug going for a stroll on the rhubarb.

Korean Lilac

Spring phlox

Front yard Allium

Close up Allium

Geranium and Supertunias

Spring garden: potatoes, radishes, and peas.

Since it was raining (again) today, I let Stan view the pictures I'd downloaded from yesterday instead of dragging him out to look. 

Yup. He was eating it up. Such a much nicer obsession than that music, isn't it, Stan?
 I bet he closed his eyes to better imagine how the garden looks in real life.

Of course, Stan wasn't nearly as interested as Megan. She loves when I launch into my speeches about my interests. Oh Meggie, put that yawn away! You're going to miss me in September!


Angie said...

Can you come stay at my house and work in my yard?

David Kenison said...

Beautiful stuff, Chris! And such variety! I didn't know things like that would grow in the frozen northlands.

Lisa said...

Wow! Your garden is so pretty and I'm impressed that you know the names of all those flowers! My peonies are still far from blooming. Maybe after the snow we're supposed to get this weekend ;-)

Jorden and Jessica said...

Mom, your garden is always so beautiful! I hope one day I can have half of your talent with gardenig! & dad, I'll stick to my own kind of music :)