Sunday, June 5, 2011

On What Do You Do In The Summertime?

We are now one week into our summer vacation and we've been busy.  Megan had her final awards meeting for BPA. She got this award:

I love this line: "in recognition of valuable contributions to Skyview BPA".  Who knew flirting was a valuable contribution? Apparently Megan managed to attract the attention of several young men from other BPA groups on the Washington DC trip. Megan, I told you not to make eye contact with people! I'm thinking I'm going to have to go to college with her to keep her safe, don't you think?

Megan, Stan, and I have been slaving all week at our favorite bottomless pit of work and money-sucking projects--the duplex.  This week it got a new furnace, air conditioning, freshly painted doors and trim courtesy of Meg and I, and a partial deep clean with more to follow.

 Megan didn't think she looked presentable for pictures after a day of duplex work. 
 I guess I should have made her clean the duplex before sending her on BPA trips.
It's just like Megan to color-coordinate her work gloves with her shorts!

All of the rain we have been having has turned the lawn into a hayfield. When it got waist high, I knew it was time to take action.

 Fortunately, I've found just the person to mow it.  I even let her THLWM (tan her legs while mowing).

 I added another layer of primer and paint to parts of the siding. This siding is so crumbly and ancient you'd think it was 41 years old, which is ridiculous. It's only 40 years old. I think at least half the thickness of the siding is now layers of paint. Amazingly, it's only been two colors in all those years--white for the first 35 years, and this grey color for the last 5 or so.

Stan is chipping away at the second bathroom we are adding. He has put the flooring down, cut holes for the shower and toilet, and begun the plumbing additions. If he had feeling in his legs, they would hurt from all of that creeping around the crawl space.

Stan works late two or three nights at the office, and the other two or three nights at the duplex.  He took a well-earned break on Saturday and went to Roundup with the stake to clean up water and mud from the recent flooding. Don't think your life will always be so cushy, Stan! It's back to the duplex Monday evening! We have renters moving in on the 15th. 

I confess I've been sneaking out to my backyard to enjoy my spring garden.

Don't tell Megan, but I've also been stealing borrowing pictures from her to add to the blog. Here she is, hard at work, practicing her rusty social skills. Don't be too happy, Megan, the duplex is waiting for you on Monday, too!


Judy said...

You guys should work harder, don't you think? Wow. You must be blogging between 2:00 and 3:00 AM.

Jorden and Jessica said...

Most likely to get hit on?! What an accomplishment Megs! Just reading about all your hard work makes me tired, I can't imagine what your feeling!
P.S. What are those purple flowers with pink dangling things called? I want some in my yard!

chrisjones said...

That flower is a fuschia. It comes in reds, pinks, purples, and white, and is a plant that needs shade. It's one of my favorites and looks especially pretty in pots because of the way it grows-a trailing branch with hanging flowers.