Saturday, June 19, 2010

All Stars: This Is How We Do It

This is how Megan "LeBron" plays:

This one's for you!

Yep, it's stuck.

This is how Hailey "Michael" plays.

Looking for an opening.

Look at that form!

Two points!

This is how Makayla "Kobe" plays.

She's going to dunk it!

She scores!
 Megan "Lebron" gets credit for a great assist!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

The strawberries continue to ripen, and they make the best smoothies.
I know that because of....

...the smoothie mustache...

...and the spot-where-the-top-of-my-cup-hit unibrow.


ElderP said...

That's talent

Shelly and Ken said...

Oh, I hope you still have strawberries when we come. Ours have been SOOOO disappointing. I love strawberries and feel deprived this year.

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

poor MaKayla had to be Kobe! And I so miss those strawberry and rasberry smoothies, bring one up for me when I come up for the 4th! I'm sure it will make it! That unibrow is impressive Kobe!