Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bahamas! Part 5: What Shelly was up to while we were chillaxing.

Doesn't this look like fun???  Six kids under the age of 6! Can you believe Shelly volunteered to watch them all for a whole WEEK?  Amy's girls were sleeping at our house since Amy's days were starting at 6 am this week and ending at 11 pm, so Shelly had extra joy putting ALL these little people to bed.

Look at that sweet little babysitter, Jordan, that helpful big sister, Kailyn, those ready-to-play boys, Chase and Caden (with a band-aid on his eye for unknown reasons),
those loving-all-the-attention girls, Makayla and Hailey. 
And look!  Shelly was still smiling at the end of the week!

Shelly, how can we ever thank you enough for giving us a much needed break?   Thank you for being such a thoughtful daughter.  And after listening to Hailey cry for a solid hour because you didn't take her to South Dakota with you, we will try to forgive you for leaving her behind.

I wonder what Shelly did with ALL her spare time this week, don't you?  I mean how much chaos can 6 kids create?  It only took me 1/2 an hour to sweep after the 6 kids had breakfast together.  I only managed to sweep a little, tiny, hardly noticable pile of stuff. And really, how often do little kids want to have something to eat anyway?  I bet Shelly had plenty of time to catch up on reading, surf the net, paint her toenails, watch soaps, eat chocolate bon bons.....
Well, maybe not. We love you, Shelly! Thanks for working so hard so we could play!

Next: Bahamas! Part 6: What Megan was up to while Shelly was slaving and we were chillaxing.


Judy said...

I think "SHELLY" stands for Super-Human Ever-Lovely Luscious Y-grad. She is amazing.

Angie said...

Hurray for Shelly!
This reminds me of how Judy & Bob helped us have a much-needed break from time to time while Bob was in law school ...