Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Now you know

Hailey was taking a little break when she noticed an ant crawling around the bathroom floor. 
 Hailey: "Makayla, get the ant!!"

Makayla tried.  She swooshed it with her hands.

and stomped on it with her feet.

Me, encouragingly: "Get him, Makayla!"
Hailey:  "No Grandma, that's not a him! It's a girl!"
Me: "How do you know?"
Hailey, patronizingly: "Ants are GIRLS.  UNCLES are boys!"

Now you know!


Bob said...

That one will be an easy one to remember. It makes a lot of sense.

Jorden and Jessica said...

oh my goodness that is so funny! I'm so jealous Ashley and McKay are up there! Wish I could be.