Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Got Mail

I got another box in the mail today.  What could it be????  I already got a new panel for the dishwasher.  I've had almost every other part repaired in the last 60 days.  Of course, there's the heater element, the arm that sprays the water and a few other items that are still original parts.... 

Wow, you guys are so cynical! The box wasn't full of dishwasher parts.  It contained a group Christmas gift from our wild and crazy kids----a new camera!!! We are so excited!

It's not that our old camera isn't working.  It just has a few problems.  There is an extremely long pause between the time you push the button to snap a picture and when it actually takes a picture.

This allowed for endless bad pictures,

pictures of nothing,

and the opportunity for Megan to make it halfway around the world in an effort to avoid having a picture taken at all.

 Here is the very first picture I took with the new camera.  Isn't it wonderful???  Hailey said "That lady looks like you when you were younger.  Now you're old, really, really old, but it's ok, I like old, too." 
Umm, thanks, Hailey. I think.

 Here's my second picture.  I managed to take it after reading through the first 8 pages of the instruction book.  There are 62 more pages to read through, but being the techno wiz that I am, I was able to snap a few practice pictures.

Here's one I took in the dark.  I carefully followed the "taking pictures in low light" instructions.

Here's one of Megan's slightly puffy post-wisdom teeth face. 

She's off to a basketball game, even though she should be home icing that cute face. Look! Megan can no longer run, duck, or dodge fast enough to avoid my picture taking.

Here is another one:

Here's what I'm cooking for supper:

Oops, I was so busy snapping pictures I forgot to start cooking.

Here are some small children, with pants halfway off, playing with sharp kitchen tools.  Someone should be supervising them while I play with our new toy.

And I hope someone is tending these two youngsters who are turning my bathroom into a swimming pool and using my toothbrush to clean the sink out.  I would stop them, but I'm trying out the "how to take a picture without a flash" instructions. 

Good riddance bye, old camera!  You're going to the Backmans so that they don't have to borrow a camera to take pictures of cute little Krew anymore!
Thank you, children, for spoiling us with such a fabulous new toy!  We love it!


Judy said...

Awesome photos! This explains that, er, beautiful picture of deer droppings you sent through family e-mail!

Bob said...

We look forward to even more photos in the future. I suspect you are going to be dangerous with the new camera. Watch out Megan!

Jorden and Jessica said...

Wow those pictures look great! Very clear! Glad you like your present. Thanks for sending me your old one. Even with a delay it will be much better then nothing. Thanks!!

Lisa said...

As always I couldn't stop chuckling as I read your post! You have such a fun documentary style that I adore! Keep the pictures coming....gotta love a new camera, I am excited for you!