Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Pre Fourth Of July!

Stan, Megan, and I spent every extra moment last week slaving away at the duplex. It's hard to believe we can still find things to paint after all this time, but we can!

 You'd think after all this paint experience, Megan would have learned how to not paint herself into a corner. Apparently she needs more practice. That's OK, Megan, I'm guessing Dad will turn up more things to paint.

A quick trip to get away from the duplex and go to Red Lodge on Sunday afternoon with the grandkids would be fun, don't you think, Megan???

You just don't know how long an hour and 15 minutes can be until you get in a car with little people.  Makayla spent the entire time begging for her binky--it has mysteriously disappeared recently. I told her she is too big for a binky and Makayla would reply "No, I'm tiny!" complete with hand gestures. We had that conversations 38 times between Billings and Joliet.

Hailey was equally fun to have along.  She want to know "how many more minutes till we get there?" every 30 seconds. Finally, I manage to distract her with a rousing game of "I Spy With My Little Eye". Hailey: "I spy with my little eye something like hair in Makayla's area."

Me: "Ummm, Makayla's hair?"
Hailey: "Yup!!!"
Yikes, I hope these don't get any harder.

Finally we arrived at the cabin. Everything is extremely green and river levels are very high.

All of Cliff's family and Kent's family were there.  Megan and Hailey checked out Easton. I'm pretty sure he's still bigger than Brinlee.

Makayla and Hailey with their very favorite Aunt Megan.

 Finally it's time to head to the woods for dinner.
Makayla was eager to eat. Makayla is always eager to eat. 

 Makayla ate three hot dogs--she only dropped them a few times. It's astounding how much dirt and ash one little person can consume. Two of her hot dogs were even slightly warm.

She managed to down a few smores, too.

The mosquitoes were out in full force. We used enough repellent to kill a horse. 
 Unfortunately, mosquitoes are not horses. I swear our Deep Woods Off was enticing them, not repelling them.

Grandma and Grandpa enjoying the chaos.
It's fun to see all of the grandkids now having families of their own.

Warning: Hailey is trouble when holding sharp, pointy, hot items.

 We had a good time sitting around the fire, enjoying each other's company and being eaten alive by swarms of mosquitoes. Did I mention there were a lot of mosquitoes?
Finally it was time for the fireworks.

Fireworks are a little louder than some people like.

Hailey didn't appreciate the noise, either.

Cameron put on another amazing show and didn't burn down a single tree.

We headed home late Sunday night. Don't the girls look comfortable?

Happy Fourth of July!


Judy said...

Can Megan come visit California? I'll trade a day at Disneyland for a day of painting.
I LOVE the picture of the little girls with their arms around Aunt Megan. That's one to print and frame. Lucky little girls to have such a sweet aunt.

Angie said...

What a blessing to have so many cousins nearby!

Jorden and Jessica said...

I'm not going to lie, this post made me really home sick. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Wish we could have been there! I also love the picture of Megan with her arms around the two girls. They will certainly miss her!

Bob said...

I love 4th of July extended family get-togethers. We missed my Cannon get-together in Kamas, Utah this year. Glad I was able to enjoy yours.