Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Joneses Go Cruising, Part 3, Fjords And Fun

On the morning of day 4, we came on deck in the morning to find ourselves in an incredible place: Tracy Arm Fjord. The mountains rose sharply from the sea and the water was full of chunks of ice.

The views in the area were my favorite of the trip.  This is a valley formed by a glacier.

There were waterfalls everywhere.

The ocean was full of chunks of ice in all sizes.

Many of the pieces appeared to have a bright turquoise underside. It was such an intense color, it almost looked fake.

Some of the chunks were huge: note the size of the birds covering this piece of ice to get a perspective.

The family, minus Mark and Cathy. This was the only place on the cruise where I needed a warm jacket. I love how we are all looking in different directions.

When not on deck admiring the view, we continued to eat.

We had Baked Alaska at one of our fancier meals. I wonder where they got that idea??

Waiting to be fed....

Everyday there were various shows. The ship had a naturalist who taught us all sorts of interesting things. I learned, for example, that I shouldn't have taken pictures of that black bear yesterday. Flashing cameras can be interpreted by bears as an invitation to come and eat you. Oops!

There were several shows by this aerial pair. They were fun to watch.

Stan and I are practicing like crazy so that we can do this at the next ward talent show. 

The Jones Family
 Kent, Cliff, Mom, Mark, Dad, Stan, Konni.

This strings ensemble played around the ship, including during our dinner a couple of times.

There were several song and dance shows

and a very funny comedian who helped Stan realize he doesn't like whole milk, leaving the door open lets in exactly 600 mosquitoes, and how to tell how long a couple has been married.

The Jones Family With Spouses
A few of the dinners were dress up affairs.

Me and my dignified spouse.


Judy said...

The scenery is gorgeous, and I especially like the family shots. What a great thing to do together! Trash, that's an especially good photo of you at the end.

Bob said...

I love the beautiful blue ice and turquoise water. Fun to see the family resemblance with Stan and his siblings next to each other.

Lisa said...

Love the family pictures! They turned out really nice! Can't wait to see more pictures!!

Angie said...

Looks like a wonderful trip!