Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another One Bites The Dust!

Last Saturday, Stan's car came home from Priesthood meeting looking like this.
Megan: *gasp* "What did Dad do to his car????"
Me: "Why do you think Dad did something to his car?"
Megan *GASP!* "What did YOU do to Dad's car????"
I guess I know what Megan thinks of her parents' driving abilities.
Actually, Stan was rear ended by a fellow member of the stake.
Not Stan's fault.

Estimate for repairs: $3828.28.  The insurance company says it's worth $1235.  WHAT????  The car is only 19 years old!!  It's still a young thing!!  When I was 19 years old, I was a baby with plenty of life left in me!

 See??  Two babies--a 19 year old and her son!

That means I can start shopping for a car.

Stan says he prefers this for transportation.

I don't think so, Stan.

For $1200, THIS is the kind of transportation we can afford.


ElderP said...

You had comprehensive coverage on a 19 yr old car?

chrisjones said...

Ha, no I hope not! Since the damage was the other guy's fault, it's his insurance that is paying.