Friday, October 22, 2010

Strictly Business

Stan had a business meeting in Brigham City on Thursday.  As we looked at our calendar, we saw that Megan had no school on Thursday and Friday.  Most amazingly, Amy happened to have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off of work, meaning we didn't have babysitting duties.  We recognize Karma when we see her (him?).  We realized this convergence of free time was a sign we needed to take a trip down to bother visit the Idaho children while Stan continued on to Utah.

It's hard to put into words how much Megan was anxiously looking forward to spending all that
 time in the car with her parental units.

AND Megan could use the car time reading that Honors book that's due.
We left Wednesday at noon.

Of course, the first hour Megan had to eat lunch.

Then, obviously, she needed to fill the next two hours texting P. Dubya.

The final two hours were spent in dreamland.  I guess Barbie Kingsolver and her Poisonwood Bible will have to wait till another day to be sped read.

The weather was beautiful, the scenery was gorgeous,

and there was no snow to be seen--a real rarity for this late in the year.

Stan remembered to bring his TTF (traditional travel food)---pickle flavored sunflower seeds.

We arrived in Rexburg just in time to go to dinner at Rexburg's finest Chinese restaurant--New Fong's--with the Pearsons.

Thursday Stan continued on to Utah and Krew let us girls take him to lunch at another fine foreign restaurant--Cafe Rio.

Next, Krew insisted we go shopping, so we decided to look for a Twirp dress for Megan again.

Krew helpfully offered his opinion on the best dress choices.

On Thursday evening, the Backmans and Stan and I agreed to drive Megan to Pocatello.  Megan somehow arranged to meet up with that cute EFY Pocatello guy.  And that other cute EFY Pocatello guy.  Fortunately the 500 mile rule was in effect with P Dub--you know, the "out of sight, out of mind" thing.  HE'S in North Carolina.  Megan believes in that other rule "collect before you select". 

While Megan was reminiscing about the good ole EFY days, Stan and I and the Backmans continued the international dining experience and visited another Idaho fine foreign restaurant--Red Lobster, which as you know is Swahili for "Fish Food".

Krew has been sick and throwing up all week.  He helpfully showed us exactly how much his little tummy holds as he threw up all over Jessica and the restaurant floor shortly after we ordered.  Jessica wasn't feeling much better than Krew.  So we finished our meal, and

Princess Party Pooper declared the evening over and decreed it was time to end Megan's fun, pick her up, and make everyone go home and go to bed.   

On Friday morning we picked up Megan's dress from alterations and headed home.  It had been taken in by several inches, shortened by several inches, and is no longer strapless.  It looks adorable on Megan.  Of course, we've learned Megan looks cute in anything. 
(Check back November 6th to see the Twirp pictures.)
Who knew we could have so much fun in 54 hours?
Thanks for letting us party with you, Backmans and Pearsons!


Jorden and Jessica said...

I love, love, LOVE Megan's dress! It turned out really cute! Did you go to No Fung's or New Fongs? (Never heard of No Fung's in Rexburg) We LOVED having you! Sorry I was a party pooper and was sick :( Visit again soon.

chrisjones said...

Oops, yeah, it's New Fung's. Thanks for running all over the state when you weren't feeling good. Feel better soon!

ElderP said...

Fun stuff, but I have to say why is it that all the book titles you are required to read sound so depressing, no wonder Megan fell asleep.

Judy said...

Megan, you know if your mom ever wants to blackmail you, all she has to do is spread this blog address around the high school. It's probably a good thing you're graduating this year. So the BIG questions are: Is Mr. EFY a True Contender? How is there so much female gorgeousness in one family?

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

The dress did turn out really cute! It was fun to see you guys! come anytime you would like, I am willing to put off my homework again.

Lisa said...

Fun and quick trip. I've heard of New Fongs not New "Fungs" :-) they must have changed it on me ;-) cute post!

chrisjones said...

Dang it! New Fongs! New Fongs! I'll get it right eventually!