Sunday, October 31, 2010

In The Beginning

At the Jones' house, Halloween is an auspicious day.

It's not about being scared,

or mounds of pumpkins.

It's not about the icons of the day

or the attitude.

 It's not at all about cute little trick or treaters.

Okay. That's a lie.  Cute little trick or treaters get me every time.

And it's certainly NOT about the candy!

What? It IS about the candy?

Yeah, I lied again.  I knew that about the candy.

At the Jones' house, the most important thing about Halloween is

The first meeting! The Love! The Romance!

Thirty-four years ago TODAY, we were both freshman.

Thirty-four years ago was also a Sunday.  My roommate (and best friend) and I came into the Morris Center cafeteria at Deseret Towers straight from stake conference, along with every other student in the dorms.  We took the last two seats in the whole cafeteria, right across from Stan.

That was the beginning.  Here we are, 3 1/2 months later at a school dance.  We were engaged 2 weeks after that, and married six months following that first meeting.  I was a mature 18, Stan an equally grown-up 21.
Thirty-four years have flown by and we haven't changed a bit!
Love ya, honey!


David Kenison said...

Cute, as always! I'm just curious about the BYU Idaho logo?? You must STILL be twitterpated.

chrisjones said...

Oops! That's what happens when I blog without reading glasses....

Judy said...

Very cute little trick-or-treaters.
I don't remember ever seeing that risque photo of you sitting on Stanton's lap. Pretty cute! And no, I DON'T think you've changed a bit--except for the color of Stan's hair.
The anniversary of our first date is also coming up this week (there must be something about fall semester and freshmen), and I'm planning a similar blog.

Lisa said...

Oooohhhh cute! So fun that you remember your first meeting 34 years ago in a cafeteria on a sunday! Here's to another 34 years!!

Jorden and Jessica said...

awh! I've never seen that picture either. Happy first-meeting anniversary!
PS I love the girl's costumes. VERY cute!

Angie said...

Great post! I was long gone from home when these events occurred, so it's fun to read the true account. You two are a wonderful couple.

Hmmmm.... maybe it's close to the anniversary of OUR first pile of math homework ... I should dig that stuff out and take a look. That would have been 1971, fall semester. We didn't actually meet until the following May.

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

The girls are looking pretty cute in their you two were young once, who knew :), you guys are looking very stylish