Monday, October 18, 2010

Summer's End

 Last night we finally got our first killing frost of the season. 

It's also getting dark at an unreasonable hour.  There's hardly time to play when Grandpa gets home from work.  I've convinced Makayla and Hailey that Grandpa is "the outside guy", meaning he is the ONLY one who can take them out to jump on the trampoline.  When Hailey asks if she can go outside and jump and I say no, she asks "Cause the outside guy's not here?"  Saves me lots of standing outside doing nothing time.

My next project: convincing Makayla that Grandpa is the "diaper changing guy".

1 comment:

Shelly and Ken said...

Love it! We have a similar thing. There are a few things that only Dad can do. Also, if the kids find a stash of chocolate (gum, etc) I tell them its Ken's. For some reason they are OK with that and leave it alone but if its mine then they want some or Caden sneaks some.