Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Best Seat In The House

We made a quick trip to Red Lodge today to spend some time at the Jones family cabin.

We saw horses

and bears.

We played games
(Notice how happy Makayla is when her ear medicine kicks in!)

and found Oma,

and Jessica, Ashley, and Megan.

One of the more interesting parts of our visit was this chair. Stan's sister, Konni Davis, had recently been visiting Aunt Grace (Jones) Helvey.  Aunt Grace gave her this chair which once belonged to Stan's great- great-grandma.  It is wicker, over 150 years old, and in fabulous condition.

That would make it the chair of Megan's great-great-great Grandma Jones

and Hailey's great-great-great-great Grandma Jones.

Now that is one old chair!


David Kenison said...

That picture of Oma is astonishing! I've never seen it. When was it done? Did your mother-in-law intend to finish it, or leave it that way deliberately? It has a unique feel the way it is, doesn't it? I love it!!

chrisjones said...

My mother-in-law visited us when we lived in SLC and took pictures of Oma then. She did the portrait in the late 80's. It is more finished than it appears in blog. That picture, the next one of the three girls (playing at the cabin creek in younger days), and one I have of Amy as a little girl are my favorite three of all of her paintings.

Bob said...

Loved your blog. The car and horse sculpture are great, the picture of Oma fantabulous and the painting of the girls very fun. Thou almost persuadest me to be a Montanan.

Doris said...

Truly spoken, Bob!