Tuesday, May 18, 2010

California Dreamin'

It's been a week since Megan's been home from her
California BPA trip.

Her  adventure included staying at a humble little inn.

 Dealing with the annoyance of sand between her toes.

Consuming West Coast cuisine

Practicing her "I'm not taking a picture of you, Mrs. Barta, really I'm not!" skills.

Watching grown men throw little white balls around.

Being taken for a ride.

Practicing her very, very best professional business face with her friends.
Original photo replaced by insistence of subject.  If you want to see the original (it's a doozy), send $10,000 to me for Megan's "college fund"

Practicing their "don't hate me cause I'm beautiful" look.

Learning to breathe solid air.
Getting to smell Batman's armpits.

Meeting California men.

Visiting the California cement turkey farm.

And the "real" reason for the trip: BPA Conventioning.


David Kenison said...

Fun! But no fair tantalizing us with the description of a "business face" and then hiding it away!

Angie said...

Ah! California!