Friday, May 28, 2010


I could be cleaning my kitchen
I should be doing the laundry

Perhaps I ought to finish off the Nanaimo Bars while I watch soap operas.

Actually, I would rather be out in the rain, working in the garden.

Last fall I planted these purple flowers.  When they came up this spring, I could not figure out what they were.

Tulips?  I planted some of those last fall

Nope.  The deer weren't eating them, and they were way too tall.

Finally, after the daffodils and tulips were fading, they opened.  Cool--allium!  I really like them, and I've never had any in my garden before.

The view from to the right of my back porch
Early Clematis in the front yard.

Newly planted flower beds to the left of my back porch

Hello, my name is Chris and I'm a gardenaholic

I'd rather garden than eat the Nanaimos.

I confess.  I am berry, berry addicted to the garden.


Judy said...

You are your father's daughter after all. (But really, you'd rather garden than eat the NANAIMOS?)

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

well if your going to have an addiction, that would be a nice one to have. Hopefully I got that gene! It seems right now my only addiction is school.

Shelly and Ken said...

Oh, how I miss your beautiful flowers. I wish I had your gene for gardening. I love being outside and I actually don't mind pulling weeds (to a point) but when it comes to flowers and plants, I am clueless. I have no idea what type they are, how to care for them, etc. (I am VERY slowly learning, I think) Like I have this spot in the front yard that I REALLY want to plant something but have no idea what to put there since it doesn't get a lot of sun.