Thursday, May 6, 2010

She's Gone

Someone has MURDERED Spring in Billings, Montana

Global warming is completely passing us by. This morning we awoke to record lows (28 degrees) and 3 inches of snow. It has been snowing all day. Today's high: 38 degrees. Someone pass the space heater and hot cocoa.
Years ago when Mom would hear about our latest round of rotten weather, she'd say with a little bit of disgust, "Why would anyone live in Billings, Montana???"

Today I am really missing Mom's pity. After her stroke, one of Mom's favorite things to discuss was the weather. Her question became simply, with great puzzlement, "Why are you there?"
Could someone PLEASE answer that question for me?


Judy said...

After last week's glorious garden pictures, these pictures are especially tragic.

You are in Billings because of the great shopping, right? That's what I thought.

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

Don't worry we got snow in Idaho Too!!

chrisjones said...

Oh yes, I forgot about the world class shopping! Or was that the no class shopping? I always confuse those two.

Bob said...

Why are you in Billings? Poor Megan, missing out on all of this.