Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Etiquette 101

A few years ago, Ashley, Megan, Stan and I had settled into a real rut, eating  ahi tuna, salmon, Cornish hen and other snobby cuisine.  We became totally complacent in our eating style. 

Fortunately, Hailey and Makayla started joining us for supper each night, reminding us of the "proper" lessons of enjoying our more humble fare of fish sticks and hamburger.

There's the "One-handed Nibble" lesson,

                              the "Caveman Stab and Chew" lesson,

the "Let Me Tell You How I Really Feel About Your Cooking" lesson,

the "Drink Your Applesauce" lesson,

and the ever popular "See-food" lesson.
Stop by any evening and we'll be happy to cook you up a hot dog in the microwave and
pour our glass of milk into your lap.


McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

Oh how I miss those days of eating your cooking! I especially love the see food lession

Shelly and Ken said...

We seem to have very similar dinners.