Friday, May 20, 2011

Some WaHOO!!!! Lasts

 Last night I found Megan down at the computer, striking her familiar "procrastination pose".  Yup, Megan has once more waited until the eleventh hour of the eleventh day to create a masterpiece for Honor's English--"How Hamlet Relates to Modern U.S. Government". I was going to lecture her on the beauty of "early to bed, early to rise" and "don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today", but hey, why bother?

Because this is the LAST English paper Megan will be writing, ever, ever!!! 
Well, at least the last one until she gets to college.  Don't tell Megan that.

This morning I experienced a last that has me so excited I can hardly push the camera button to record it all! After 33 years of getting up early with kids, and after 20 years of getting up with kids for seminary, I am DONE! This is the last morning of seminary for the Joneses, ever EVER!
I hope you can sense a little bit of my restrained excitement through the computer...

Megan was pretty excited this morning, too.

It's amazing that just an hour and 15 minutes later, Megan can pull herself together and look all chipper at seminary.
Megan's seminary class, 2011

Now you can skip this last section. It's just more of Megan's gorgeous senior pictures. I'm posting them so I can find them again on my computer.

All of the pictures come in color

urban finish,

and black and white

Nice to know that the half a million dollars we spent on braces worked.

Is this a hint that you're going somewhere, Megan?
The train doesn't go to Rexburg, just so you know.


Jorden and Jessica said...

I just pray that where ever my family ends up has release time. I don't think I can wake up at 5am for 20 years straight. And How did Megan get so beautiful, with long, flowing hair?! I'm jealous.

Judy said...

Hey, Chris! Maybe they'll call you to teach seminary next fall! (Practice saying "No, I have to wash my hair at 6:00 every morning.")

As for putting Megan on that train, I wouldn't do it. Lock her up and throw away the key. She's just too darn beautiful for her own good.

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

Exciting! But you think it's your last time the jones' go to seminary. That's true until you get called as a seminary teacher for next year : ) I love love love megs sen. pics. She is so beautiful

David Kenison said...

My biggest concern is what the extended family will do for entertainment when Megan isn't around for her Mom to blog about!

Scott and Lindsay said...

Megan's gorgeous! Love your senior pictures!