Monday, May 23, 2011

Stan Turns An Age Not Even Close To Old....

....depending, of course, on what your definition of "close" is.
Stan was born in Deaconess Hospital on May 23, 1955,  a block from the home he grew up in.  Stan's mom was also born in that hospital. Stan was born by emergency C-section due to placenta previa.
I have just a few pictures of youngster Stan.
Here's the birth announcement for baby Cliff, who is not pictured.  The announcement identifies Stan as a "roudy 2 1/2" year old. How odd--just this morning I said "Stan, you are behaving like a rowdy 2 1/2 year old!!!" Some things never change...

 This is a picture of Stan as a 10 year old. 

This picture from the front page of the Billings Gazette is dated January 1969, making Stan around 13 1/2. That's Kent being used for a seat cushion.

 When Grandpa got home from work and told Hailey and Makayla how old he is,
 they couldn't quite contain their mirth.

That's OK girls, Grandpa gets the last laugh---you'll be old one day too!

 Hailey and Makayla carefully counted out enough candles for Grandpa's birthday cake. They guessed he needed around 5. I encouraged them to think on a grander scale, so they upped it to 16. Surprisingly, Stan felt like that was close enough.

Megan wins "Most Thoughtful Gift of the Celebratory Day"--she bought Stan one of those things to help old folks reach stuff off of the top shelf from their wheelchair.

Laugh while you can, Meggie, you're going to be old one day too!

As the perfect finish for Stan's birthday, Shelly and kids rolled into town late tonight (Ken stayed behind to work). They have been down every road in Wyoming: the one they were suppose to be on, the one they were detoured onto, and the detour for the detour.  Like Montana, Wyoming has been experiencing serious flooding and apparently they frown on people using their cars as boats. What was suppose to be a 10 hour trip has turned into more like a 15 hour day.

Happy Birthday, Stan! I love you!
See, I told you he was being rowdy...


David Kenison said...

Fun to see those childhood photos - amazing how a cute kid can turn into... well, you know. Thanks, Chris - and happy birthday, Stan!!

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

Happy Birthday dad! I love you! can't wait to see you this weekend!

Lisa said...

The birth announcement cracked me up... and so did Megan's gift! Happy birthday Uncle Stan!

Bob said...

Trash, hope you had a nice b-day. I think you were around for the flood of '83 in Salt Lake? Sounds like there may be a re-run. Reminds me of a fun time in our lives. T2

Angie said...

Great post. Glad you could have so much help celebrating that birthday!