Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Head Scratcher

Something has been puzzling me lately.

Megan has a very heavy schedule this year--Honors English, Algebra 3, Anatomy and Medical Terminology, and Sociology. 
By now I thought she'd be coming home from school every day saying "I hate math!"  "I want to transfer out of English and take study hall!"  In years past, Megan tended to come home with a stressed-out scowl on her face.   But this year she's even reporting that lunch is "good" .

And most incredibly, every single day Megan comes home from her last period class-
with a big smile on her face.
Math?!?  Really, Megan?

Oddly, Megan even seems eager to get her algebra homework done.  She often volunteers to study math after school with some kid in her class, a guy we call "P. Dub-ya".  He's that tall, cute, eagle scout that moved here this summer from North Carolina. With all that studying Megan's doing, I'm sure she will be getting an A+. 
Coincidentally, Meg and P. Dub also have English and lunch together.

I offered to take a picture of the two of them studying, but for some reason, Megan insisted that would be "embarrassing". 

I just don't get it.  Why would Megan suddenly love math? Why is she digging English and lunch?
Any ideas?


Lisa said...

What happened to the cute EFY boy...I guess we shall see how the story unfolds!!

Shelly and Ken said...

I want to see a picture. Surely you could sneak a picture.

Judy said...

Yeah, I'm with Shelly here, and Lisa also has a good point.

Bob said...

For other people, the comment is "keeping up with the Joneses." What is it when the Joneses are trying to keep up with someone else? Well, it looks like they do better in math.

chrisjones said...

EFY guy is still there-he's just not conveniently located for studying math. It's hard enough to talk Megan into taking HER picture, but one of these days, when Megan least expects it....

We don't have a name for when the Joneses try to keep up with someone else. It doesn't happen :p