Monday, September 6, 2010

No Rest for the Weary

Why is Makayla so happy???

She heard that Stan finished our roof!  Yahoo!

Then why is Hailey looking so serious?

She must have heard about how our disposal kicked the bucket. 

Poor Stan.  He spent all day at the duplex, tearing off rain gutters, dilapidated basketball standards, and 5 or 6 old nonfunctioning satellite dishes, antennae, and nonworking cables off of the roof. 

 Now his wife thinks he should get the disposal to work. 

Fortunately he has two admiring helpers.

Although Makayla quickly got irritated that it was taking so long,

Hailey was very interested in everything Grandpa was doing,

even if she wasn't too impressed by the funky smell.

After an hour of taking apart, putting back together, and trying again, Stan was forced to make a late evening run to Lowe's for a new disposal. 
It's now almost 10 and Stan is still down in the kitchen, putting in the new part.  Stan, sometimes it just doesn't pay to be so handy!

I think we're going to take tomorrow off.  I think I feel a party coming on....


Judy said...

Stan should be really good at TRASH disposal. Go, Stan!

Lisa said...

He looks so exhausted. But way to be a good husband!!

Jorden and Jessica said...

Think how much money you have saved from Dad being so handy! Probably in the millions of dollars! Way to go Dad!! BTW I have a leaky dishwasher do you want to come down to fix it?!