Thursday, September 2, 2010

Projects, Projects, and More Projects

Now that it's September, I suddenly have 17,493 tomatoes all ripening at once. 
That's a few more than we can eat in one sitting.

 I've been catching the local herd of hoodlum deer
 munching on my pepper plants at 3 am. 
They eat the leaves, but are kind enough to leave the peppers.

That means it's time to spring into action.

 So Hailey,

Makayla, and I rolled up our sleeves and went to work.

We picked tomatoes, onions, basil, and peppers from the garden

which I turned into 30 one cup containers of freezer spaghetti sauce,

10 cups of freezer salsa sauce

and 6 cups of chopped, individually frozen peppers. Ya, I know.  If we ever have freezer failure, I'm going to be enormously annoyed.
 I like these little one cup plastic containers.  They are just the right size for our little family, and they are reusable. 

Meanwhile, Hailey got water out of Grandma's magic fridge,

and showed Makayla how to use measuring cups

to pour water all over the floor,

which the two of them helpfully wiped up.

Next Makayla entertained me with a demonstration of her love of mangoes,

and Hailey reminded me for the 93rd time how brave she's being considering she got immunizations yesterday.

We finished up trashing the kitchen  and went out to look for Grandpa and Megan.

There they are!

Up catching some rays, playing with the electric toys. 

It's amazing what some people will do to avoid working on their Algebra 3 homework.

Various people from the ward and neighborhood have been coming over to help, and Stan expects to be done on Saturday,

and I'm hoping to have a couple more weeks of frost-free tomato picking


Shelly and Ken said...

So are you paying your roofing help with tomatoes? I would work for garden fresh tomatoes.

chrisjones said...

We have passed out a few tomatoes!! I've also got plenty of garden freash squash and potatoes. So you'll be arriving...when?

Jorden and Jessica said...

Oh Mom please ship me a box of tomatoes! I love them! Or better yet come drop them off in person :)