Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Manly Ice Cream

After my last post, I was surprised to learn how many people I know, including family members, don't own an ice cream machine.  That's like saying "I don't have a stove".  Or "We haven't gotten around to buying a fridge yet".  You can buy this marvel of invention for $33.90 at our Target.  Pretty much what's under our couch cushions right now.

Honestly, if the house was on fire and I had to choose between grabbing Megan or the Cuisinart, I'd run to freezer first.  Oh, come on people! Megan can get out on her own!
(Just kidding, Megan! Don't hurt me)

When Stan found out we had been enjoying homemade ice cream without him, he was a little annoyed.  I explained that we couldn't save any for him--it was melting.  Besides,
Super Lime Ice Cream
 is pretty much a girly-girl flavor.

In an effort to redeem myself,
I promised Stan I'd make some ice cream guaranteed to put hair on his chest.

Here's the one I selected:

Squash Ice Cream With Caramel Sauce

 ice cream
-1 cup butternut squash, roasted
-1 vanilla bean
-1 pint milk
-3/4 cup sugar
-6 egg yolks

-1/2 cup sugar
-1/8 cup water
-1 tbsp corn syrup
-3/8 cup heavy cream
-2 tbsp butter
-1/2 tsp ground ginger

Ice Cream-
1. Cut a small butternut squash in half lengthwise. Spray with cooking spray and place on a baking sheet, cut side up. Roast at 400F for 30-40 minutes, until squash is tender and scrapes easily out of the peel with a fork. Measure 1 cup of squash and set aside until cool (save the rest for another recipe!).
2. In a small saucepan, add milk and sugar. Scrape the seeds from one vanilla bean into the pan. Heat over medium-low, stirring occasionally, until mixture is simmering.
3. Beat egg yolks until well blended and light yellow. Once milk mixture is simmering, add a little bit to the egg mixture to temper. Continue adding a little at a time and mixing after each addition. Once approximately half of the mixture has been added, add the rest of the milk mixture and whisk to combine.
4. Place butternut squash in a blender  and blend until pureed. Add some of the milk mixture to help puree. Beat squash in with milk & egg mixture.
5. Pour liquid mixture through a sieve, if needed, into a bowl to remove lumps. Cover liquid and refrigerate overnight. When thoroughly chilled, remove mixture from the fridge and freeze according to your ice cream maker's instructions.

1. In a medium saucepan, bring the water, sugar, and corn syrup to a boil. Allow to boil over high heat for 6 minutes.
2. After 6 minutes, remove pot from heat. Immediately whisk in butter.  When melted, add heavy cream, and ginger and whisk until mixture is smooth. Allow to cool to room temperature.

When Megan saw what I was making, she used words like "disgusting" and "repulsive" as well as phrases like "vegetables don't belong in ice cream".  That's okay, Megan.  That just means more ice cream for Dad and me.

When I prepared the caramel sauce, I followed the recipe exactly.  See where it says "allow to boil over high heat for 6 minutes"? Don't.  See where it doesn't say "watch and stir continuously over med heat"? Do.

My SECOND attempt at caramel sauce was delicious.

The finished ice cream with caramel sauce was an interesting creamy orangy-yellow. 

I encouraged Stan to dig in.

He says it has an appealing flavor, mellow and tasty,

and that he can feel chest hair sprouting this very moment.
HOWEVER, the aftertaste was truly "disgusting" and "repulsive" and reminded us that "vegetables don't belong in ice cream". 

Think of having some frozen squash puree with your next glass of milk.

 I'll be purging this one from the recipe files (although the caramel sauce was a definite keeper).

Of course, that means I'm going to have to make more ice cream to prove I haven't lost my touch.
  Up next: Raspberry Sour Cream Ice Cream

1 comment:

Jorden and Jessica said...

Yum the raspberry sour cream sounds delicious! I might agree with Meg about the squash one...but I do want to go get an ice cream maker at Target today! It would pay for itself in about oh a week! That's how much I go out & buy ice cream!