Monday, November 29, 2010

When You're Sick

When you are sick it's good to have company

When you're sick, certain people can do pretty much what they want

as long as those certain someones don't comment on the mess behind them or make you get up to entertain or feed them too often.

When you are sick, someone's scratch becomes a reason to be cranky.

When you're sick, it's hard to get worked up about the newly cracked side mirror on the newly purchased car.  I'm so sick, I'm not even going to tell you who cracked it.  He feels bad enough already.

When you are sick, two year old temper tantrums are almost as exhausting

as the healthy family members who insist on being terminally cheerful.

When you're sick, the centerpiece on the coffee table becomes more functional.

When you're sick, that overnight snowstorm seems like it dumped 10 inches of new snow on top of the old 8 inches.  Oh wait--- that actually happened.
Monday, November 29, 5 am

When you're sick.... Megan!!! Pay attention! 
That face is not going to get you ANY sympathy!