Thursday, November 4, 2010

Out With The Old, In With The New(er)

Old: 1991 Park Avenue
New: 2007 Hyundai Sonata

Old: Smashed

New: Smooth

 Old: Can't open trunk

New: Can open trunk

Old: Badly self-repaired spot where certain formerly teenage daughter
 hit Stan's car with Chris's car.

 New: Nope.  Not yet.

Old: Dirty and windowless roof.

New: Clean and windowed roof.

Old: (and this is a direct quote) "Car no self-respecting person under 86 would drive."

New: (and this is a direct quote): "Hey, can I borrow your car for Twirp?"

Old: Now owned by junkyard.

New: Now owned by us!


McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

I like it! But now I won't be able to spot you a mile away, and how are you going to find your car in the parking lot.

Jorden and Jessica said...

Very cute! If I were you I wouldn't let your teenager borrow the car or else it will turn into the buick. (j/k meg) But I'm not a teenager anymore. Can I borrow it?

chrisjones said...

I don't know how I'm going to find it in a parking lot. If you don't hear from me for a year or two, you know where to come looking.

Megan would like me to remind both of you that despite her frequent visits with the police, her driving record is spotless.

Judy said...

Congratulations on the new baby! What are you going to name it?

chrisjones said...

Its name is "Mine".

Lisa said...

Congrats! I thought uncle stan would never let that baby go!! The new one looks really nice!

David Kenison said...

Congratulations - very fun! Too bad you didn't save the old one - I'm going to be needing a car for Matt, and that's about as much as I would trust him with.

Angie said...
