Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm Never Going To Do That Again!

Today was one of those "for the last time" days.
I took my child and went school clothes shopping.

I've been going school shopping every fall for the last 17 years.  So hand me a box of tissues,

and a handful of confetti, cause this take-my-child-to-the-store-for-school-clothes is happening for THE LAST TIME!

You may be thinking, "Who is stupid enough to go shopping on the Saturday before school starts??"  You're right.  It's me.  I was going to stand in center court at the mall and take pictures so you could see all the stupid people who also waited to shop today, but Megan thought I was being "creepy".

Instead I spent a lot of time looking at dressing room doors.

And peeking under doors to find these.

Should I be concerned that Megan was in here with the door locked and this sign was showing? 
Do you think it's a message?

Megan tried on lots of clothes,

most of which came straight out of my high school era.

Megan, you should know I'm relatively sure I wore this size once, too.  I'm not sure when, as my memory only goes back 50 years.

 Megan "Sugar-Nazi" wouldn't let me stop at this place.

This shopping stuff is exhausting.

Even Megan thought so.

Every single shoe store in the mall was having great sales.  I've reminded Megan that she only has two feet--how many pairs of shoes do two feet need?  She doesn't see the logic in that at all.

When we couldn't fit any more bags into the car,  Megan finally agreed to call it a day.
A last day.  Sniff.


La Candáche said...

lol! Aunt Chris, have I ever told you how much I love you!! And how funny I think you are :) :) I needed a good laugh (not to mention a "break" from studying;)

chrisjones said...

Candace,I'm happy to keep you unfocused anytime! I know you're going to do fabulously on your tests anyway!

David Kenison said...

Aww, kind of sad! I've been through several of those "last time" phases, and there is always a little wistfulness along with the relief.