Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Senior Moment

Today is a monumental day. 
A "Last Time" day.
A "three hankie" day.

It started early.
And next week when seminary resumes, it will start even earlier.

Yep,  It's back to school time for Megan.

Just yesterday Megan was headed off to preschool.
Now her carefree summer is over....

No wait!  Just yesterday Megan wasn't going to preschool! She was finishing up her Honors English project---a 25 point quote and observation paper AND a 1200 word paper on "Why Frankenstein is a Classic".  You know, the book she had all summer to read, but left for the last few days. 

By noon Megan had her "points" done and a whole paragraph finished on her paper.
These honor seniors really know how to end the summer with excitement.
She did get it done before midnight.  I proof read it.  It was darn good.  At least I think it was good.  At 12:30 am it seemed profound.

I let Megan choose her "last breakfast" this morning.
Kind of like a condemned prisoner.  Seems appropriate, doesn't it?
She wanted french toast.  I added the melon.

This morning by 7 she was all bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for the day, English assignments complete and packed away.

We've taken hundreds of "first day of school" pictures on this porch over the years.

Somehow I never thought

the day would come when Megan would stand here for the very last time.

Now Megan is off to greet her senior year.



Yeah, right!  I've been waiting for this "senior moment" for 32 years!!


Jorden and Jessica said...

Whenever I'm on the computer and I start to laugh, Jorden knows I'm reading your blog! Megan is so beautiful!! I love the picture of her and Ashley with the matching dog shirts. How priceless.

Judy said...

WAHOO! Hope you had a great day! At the very least, I hope you got to the store for a new box of tissues.

Doris said...

Just think, a year from today (more or less) the buses will roll, the school kids will throng, and you will think, "Hm, is school starting sometime soon?" It's a weird feeling. I hope you enjoy your many "lasts."