Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Sew Sew Day

This past spring, someone donated the beginnings of a quilt to Hearts and Hands, our bi-stake service project.  No one seems to know how to sew these days.  No one owns a machine, either. That means by default, I get to take the fabric home.  I'm not sure what the original person had in mind, but I spent the day getting it put together for tomorrow's stake quilting bee.

I was even lucky enough to have some company while I worked.

Hailey is an in charge sort of girl.  My mother would have called it "bossy". 
 I prefer to think of it as "assertive".
I was instructed to not disturb the babies.  That means I couldn't go upstairs unless I tiptoed.
It was a little annoying.
To be honest, I don't think they were sleeping anyway.

Hailey and Makayla were willing to break the "no food out of the kitchen" rule for me so  I could work while I supervised them.  They can be surprisingly flexible when it comes to rule-breaking. 
 Here they are rule-breaking at my family room work table.  I think Hailey is enjoying it a little too much.

I managed to figure out a fairly quick way to finish the quilt top.  It's not ugly, but it's not colors I would have chosen.

Have you ever noticed that when you get involved in a project, other parts of your life fall apart?


Doris said...

Great quilt Chris. Looks like those colors were chose in about 1970. Still...maybe it will keep someone warm.

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

Hailey wanting to be in charge? that doesn't sound like her at all. Those girls are way too cute!